18 June 2006

Whaling Petition

Japan is positioned to remove critical protections for whales at this week's IWC meeting, and voting starts today! Help us get the word out. Send the petition to your friends and family to stop commercial whaling from being reinstated! Thanks for signing the petition to stop Japan's unlawful whaling. With your help, we've collected over 80,000 signatures to stop Japanese whaling, but now the unthinkable has happened: Japan is predicted to win the majority of votes at this week's International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting and we need your help getting the word out! Click here to send the petition to your family and friends. Japan has been lobbying extensively for a return to commercial whaling, securing pro-whaling votes by offering foreign aide to smaller impoverished nations of the IWC in exchange for their support. And if the ban on commercial whaling is lifted, these magnificent creatures could be pushed to the brink of extinction once again. We need the help of your friends, family and anyone who cares about the well-being of whales to impact this week's IWC vote! Click here to send the petition: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/446578966?ltl=1150598688