27 May 2006

Java Yogyakarta Earthquake

Just two weeks after the rumbling of the Mount Merapi Volcano, the nearby royal citadel of Yogyakarta of Indonesia's Java Island has been struck at 5:54AM on 27 May by a magnitude 6.2 earthquake at an undersea depth of 33km.
Seismologists and volcanologists claim that the volcanic activity and the earthquake are unrelated yet, more to the point, they are highly related with the volcano indicating the mounting pressure along the tectonic plate fault line and the volcanic activity of Mount Merapi increasing significantly during the time of the earthquake.
Many thousands of people are injured with at least 3,000 counted dead thus far with excavation and recovery efforts expecting to uncover more dead and injured.
The Major Pleadian Portal Sequences of the 11th Tzolkin Round of the Galactic Underworld (14 April 2006 - 23 April 2006, 4 May 2006 - 13 May 2006 and 24 May 2006 - 2 June 2006) have and are proving to be of immense power in re-engineering planetary structure and consciousness with the discovery of Mayan Tombs highlighting the world's attention to the Tzolkin, the discovery of what is thought to be the largest and oldest known pyramid in the world in the town of Visocica in Bosnia highlighting the world's attention to the geo-celestial matrix, the progression of the Middle East War Campaign of the US towards military threats and invasion of Iran and numerous other factors.
With the new biohologram codes soon to be processed and included in the TOP File and the surging power of Planetary Regenesis amplifying exponentially, we ought expect and prepare for far greater reformation.
I ask you to please perform your TOP Emissions with the utmost loyalty and commitment that we may ease and aid this process of Planetary Regenesis for Humanity, Nature and the Planet Earth.
I reiterate that through the facility of the TOP File, you are empowered as a world community of Reiki Healers to share in emitting exponentially empowered Reiki to the entire population of over 4 million places of human residence, specifically targetted with names and co-ordinates.
The next TOP File Update will expand the scope of the TOP Emissions to include Galactic Co-Ordinate targetting of over 250,000 stars and galaxies together with the enhanced biohologram codes.
I hope to have the TOP File updated and released within the next few days yet may be delayed one month. In either case, I will notify you all for you to immediately download the updated TOP File for your regular Performance of TOP Emissions.
Please, during the remainder of this Major Pleiadian Portal Sequence, direct your healing thoughts to the souls of Yogyakarta as you perform your TOP Emissions.