16 March 2006

Spring Equinox and Total Solar Eclipse

For the Twelth Year running, a global healing and ascension meditiation has been arranged among the majority of light-worker communities to generate a 24-hour "Solar Wave" calling forth conscious global communion with the Pleiades in Union with the Sun and Planet Earth. Ten of thousands of people, and perhaps far more with your aid in distributing the news, have already co-ordinated to gather together for the Pleiadian New Year's Day at sunrise immediately after the Spring Vernal Equinox for 24 hours of global prayer networking at Sacred Sites such as Palenque, Tikal, Chitzen Icha, Machu Pichu, Giza, Stonehenge and more to disperse the powerful energy of conscious global communion as one global thought wave around the whole planet to aid in the migration of Earth and the Solar System around Pleiades, through the Photon Belt and mid-belt orbital exchange to Sirius. The 2006 Spring Vernal Equinox will occur at exactly 18:26 GMT/UTC on March 20th, 2006. Spring Vernal Equinox Times Around the World Global prayers for the Pleiadian New Year's Day are scheduled to begin one hour before sunrise and through till one hour after sunrise, the immediate day after the Spring Vernal Equinox. Sunrise Times Around the World This meditation at dawn will carry a solar "wave" of conscious global communion with Pleiades around the planet with the motion of the Earth's orbit around the sun as the sun rises across the horizon of every longitude along the equator around the world on the morning after the Spring Vernal Equinox. The Annual Solar Wave Meditation, originally orchestrated by Tzolkin Timekeeper, Aluna Joy Yaxkin, and Mayan Elder, Hunbatz Men, is a most opportune moment for all Members of the Tora Or Project to perform TOP Emissions and highly advantageous to the global prayer collective's healing purpose as our TOP Disk includes images of Earth, Sirius, Pleiades and Archturus and directs energy directly to the holographic integration of the foresaid together with directing energy to the entire Planetary Light Matrix through a relay network of Pyramids, Temples, Mountains, Lakes and Regions of Human Population. Furthermore, the following New Moon of March 29th will be coupled with a Total Solar Eclipse; relaying the Pleiadian Star Energy through the resonance pathway of the unified Sun and Moon, anchoring the Pleiadian Energy called forth during the Spring Vernal Equinox and Solar Wave. The path of totality will begin in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Brazil and move east through central Africa, Turkey, and central Asia where it will end in central Russia. A partial eclipse will be visible throughout most of Africa, Europe, and Western Asia. Maps of the Total Solar Eclipse Aside from your regular daily TOP Emissions and Pleiadian Portal Day TOP Emissions; please do your utmost to Perform TOP Emissions: a) the two hours (or more) surrounding the exact time of the Spring Vernal Equinox at your locality - circa March 20th/21st 2006 b) the two hours (or more) surrounding the exact time of the Sunrise of the day after the Spring Vernal Equinox at your locality - circa March 21st/22nd 2006 c) the two hours (or more) surrounding the exact time of the Total Solar Eclipse at your locality - circa March 29th 2006 OR d) the eight days from the Spring Vernal Equinox to the Total Solar Eclipse Ideally, attend TOP Reiki Shares or gather at your chosen Sacred Site or "Power Spot" (Earth Matrix Vortex) to perform TOP Emissions at those times. I will be performing TOP Emissions in gathering with the Daoist Priests of Tai He Gong at the Heavenly Pillar Peak of the Wudang Mountain Range on the Spring Vernal Equinox of March 21st and on the Total Solar Eclipse of March 29th. Fuurthermore, from March 23rd to March 30th I will learn Bagua Zhang, a 64 part Daoist Ritual Gongfu that creates a Pillar of Light from Heaven to Earth according to the Codes of the Yi-Jing (I-Ching, Aleph Etz Tau B'nai Yisrael) at Zi XIao Gong with 15th Generation Wudang Disciple, Zhong Shi Hao (Zhong Xue Chao) at Zi Xiao Gong and walk a triangular circuit from Zi Xiao Gong to Taihe Gong to Ba Xian Guan every day, anchoring the Triple Eight Energy of the Christ and Completing the Aleph Etz Tau B'nai Yisrael. Peace Ross