21 December 2005

A Christmas Message

This Christmas, the coupling of the early part Fourth Night of the Galactic Underworld, the Eve of the Celebration of the Birth of Christ and the Rememberance of the Thai-Malaysian Tsunami last year, humanity is called to refine and commit to their conscious choices in every moment to align with the Will of God.
Now, more than ever, as we align our will with the Will of God, we are accelerated, empowered and propelled on our Path of Union of God and All.

Please, I request you all to Perform TOP Emissions for as long and often as you can during December 24th to December 26th 2005.
Though known to myself and many as the critical period of path determination, I feel that this anthem has been beautifully expressed in the following channelled message.
Channelled by Yael and Doug Powell on 17th December 2005
In this moment the living Christ comes to knock upon the doorway of your heart. Christmas, once about the birth of Jesus, now becomes also about you. For in you there arises the most beautiful awareness that bathing of the world at Christmas is the light of My heart's call to its own. It is the call from the Christ that was Jesus to the Christ that is in each of you. This year, especially, it says, "Rise, Children. Rise and know yourselves as "The Heart of All I Am."
When your hearts hear this call, My Children, I beg you to lay aside the immature things, the illusion and the ego, and rise to meet the challenges of waking this sweet Earth. For the time of Love is dawning - this you know, of course. It's obvious. But what is not so obvious yet, Children, is how the Christ of God is you, and how the moment that you realize this and you make a choice to honor it, all of Heaven and all life on Earth rises up to help you.
The Covenant that we have - that always I will honor you by bringing forth your heart's beliefs - is shifted to the Highest Good, the most refined resplendent realms of Love the moment that you recognize who and what you are. The moment that you remember that you are the living Christ, heart cells of the Living All, the Holy Love I Am - all Creation comes to honor you and to ask how each may serve you. The realms of Love rejoice in you, another conscious Christ.
Ah, but most of you remember for an instant or a minute, and then, you choose to forget again, and to return to being human. But when you do, beloved ones, all Creation waits. All that is this Love I Am holds for you, in stillness, the vibration of your remembrance and the living truth you are. Every life keeps singing it, everywhere you turn, until at last you hear the song again and open your heart in wonder to the great Love you are as the Twin Flame Christ.
Every year at Christmas there is an opening for this world where the living heart of Jesus greets the All of Love I Am. A window in the consciousness of humankind is opened and every heart on Earth, for a moment, hears the call. Children, this year that window stays open. The birth of Christ now switches from a memory to an ongoing experience.
So I come to you this Christmas as I came to Beloved Jesus and I draw you close and whisper that you are My Love. I say to you that I will lead you as you walk this walk of only Love. I'll lay for you the stepping stones of light that your every step be blessed. I will surround your life with miracles and fill your days with sweet events that witness to the miracle that you are to Me. Every day I will amplify your thoughts of Love, your feelings as your heart responds in tender Love to all of life on Earth. Call on Me, I'll tell you, and beloved ones, I mean it. Commune with me with each living breath and I will always lead you, every single day.
Oh, Children, please heed, for the world today is different. There has been a parting of the veil and the light returns to Earth. By the deep determination of your beloved hearts, the ego is dissolved. Its hold upon humanity is released, and from the moment this occurred in August, My call has been coming to you.
Arise, Children. It is time. The Christ of God is come, and the Christ of God is you. All of you together, in unity, one heart. One heart alive to Love. A heart that knows only good. Arise and remember - you have already chosen. It is already done. Now it is a matter of remembering, and that is why I've come to you. Every moment you remember is added to the others. Moments and more moments of consciousness lived by each of you are added together to create a new vibration. This vibration becomes the reality, the more that it is felt, the more that it is held and claimed by you.
Every moment your heart sings and the light comes and you can see and feel the vision of this world as only Love, all the angels come quickly and gather the resonance of your Love, and holding it like a treasure, they preserve it for the world. They hold onto it until you call and say you are ready to do the work you are here to do. Then they plant the vibration again in your hearts so you can amplify it, for this is what you do.
So the world is now being bathed in a light beyond all the light it has known. This light is the light that is buried deep in you, Children. You cannot stop it now. The light in you is building, and it is shining forth to the world. It is calling forth all of Love's treasures. You may not yet know it because you've been hidden in your mind. But whether you've seen it or felt it, I promise you, it is born. I am here to ask you to claim it and to allow My Love to live you that the Christ you are may be fully present here on Earth through you.
As the light within grows stronger, so does the light that pours into this world. As it does, as you know, it illuminates all that was held hidden. But what I want you to know (it is important!) is that because All That Is comes to assist you, the moment you choose to remember, the shift to Love can be instant. There are only two choices, two worlds. One is the world of illusion - the world of duality and the belief that there can be something other than Love. The other is the truth - that Love is All That We Are - the unity of the truth of Love. If you can choose and can hold that choice, everything of the old world is gone.
Children, if you can choose Love and truly hold that choice and hold this precious world in your heart as well, there need not be upheaval and the cleansing of all of the old. It is the wavering on the decision that is causing the bumpy ride. For Children, once you have the vibration of Love and only Love, nothing of the old world can affect you, for everything is resonance. Thus, I come with this Message for you.
You are the Love, the living Christ. Oh, Children, all that Jesus said you would do is now within your reach. The light that comes this Christmas is not going to recede this year. Rather, it is here to claim for Love everything that it can. Let it claim you! Let it lift you into remembrance of the purity of Love, of the holiness of every moment and of My Love for you. As it touches your heart and your consciousness as it pours in on Christmas Day, beloved ones, please stop to claim it -- that the Christ of God is you. Then hold fast to that claim every moment and wait and Children, you'll see that the veil will part and all that was hidden in darkness will simply be washed free in the light. For truly, like the light in the closet, the moment the light is turned on, all of the scary shadows are suddenly totally gone.
So prepare for a life of miracles as your hearts prepare for Christmas. And on Christmas, please have your own sacred celebration and a holy moment where you say "Yes" to accepting the light of Christ as who you are. Then hold fast to all that I show you, to the grace and the Love and the beauty and to everything in the outer world reflecting only this inner truth. Holding tenderly every human being who has shared a resonant human path, let us lift the whole world into radiant Love as the tender hands of Jesus, hands of glorious light, reach in to lift all of humanity back to their inheritance of Love.
I Am with you this Christmas as in your own heart the holy scene of the Birth of Christ is enacted. Welcome, My Heart. Welcome to Heaven on Earth.