11 November 2005

Proto-Hebraic Script & the Kaballah Rosary

During the month of August 2005, at the same period that I received the DNA-mRNA Reality Consciousness Codes of the Aleph-Etz B'nai Or meditating in my room in Jinding Hotel amidst the cliff wall of Taihe (Heavenly Pillar) Jinding (Golden Summit) of Wudangshan (Wudang Mountain), an archaeological research team decyphered two-line (ET Lion M[em]) script inscribed on a stone in the wall of an archaic building in Tel Zayit, Israel, that had been discovered the prior month.
The reverse side of the stone is carved as though it were a cup bowl and it is thought that it was used as a prayer bowl. Quite intriguingly, I perform my TOP Emissions by cupping in my hands a wooden prayer bowl that holds either eight or twelve rose quartz crystals within it and with the TOP File CD placed atop the bowl. The script is proposed by leading scholars worldwide to be the earliest recording of a Proto-Hebraic Alphabet and shows intermediary properties of both Pheonician and Hebraic letters and, as such, is thought to be the source of all successive sequential orderings of the alphabet, including Greek. Remember your Key to the T.A.R.D.I.S. (Time and Relative Dimensions in Space).

Rokeb Ba Arabot On the prominent day of 11:11, be sure to renew your diligent performance of TOP Emissions and TOP Reiki Crystal Grid Emissions together with implementation of the Kaballah Rosary everyday, according to the instructions, and most especially during Major Pleiadian Portal Days. Peace Ross