12 June 2005

Entering the Middle Kingdom

For the next three to four years I will be in remote retreat in China studying Buddhist, Daoist and Martial Lore whilst deepening my own performance of TOP Emissions and Elemental Mastery. During my period of hermitude I will maintain Log Journals herein and may extrapolate into lectures. I expect that over the next three to four years we will all experience a greater depth and loyalty to our performance of TOP Emissions and our Role in the Plan of Regenesis. Please do implement the new Kaballah Rosary and the LORdTAO.mp3 MP3 Sound File as empowerment tools for TOP Emissions and be sure to download the latest update of the TOP File in either DISK or CD format. Kaballah Rosary http://beam.to/yahweh/rosary.html LORdTAO.mp3 MP3 Sound File http://beam.to/yahweh/download TOP File Update http://beam.to/yahweh/download Do your utmost to perform TOP Emissions for at least forty-eight (48) minutes per day followed by preparation of a TOP Reiki Crystal Grid. TOP Reiki Crystal Grid http://beam.to/yahweh/grid.html Most importantly, perform TOP Emissions for as long and often as you can during Mayan Pleiadian Portal Days and, if possible, attend TOP Reiki Shares or volunteer to be a local TOP Reiki Share Host. Mayan Pleiadian Portal Days http://beam.to/yahweh/portals.html Though the TOP File is general to all TOP Members, the experience and inertia of each person, share group and the whole group is unique and thus it is important to meditate upon and discuss the experiences of TOP Emissions among persons, share groups and the whole group. TOP Reiki Shares http://beam.to/yahweh/topshares.html Attending TOP Reiki Shares proves to be the most powerful means of deepening and supporting the healing and growth process of Reiki and TOP Emissions. I look forward to sharing more ahead. Peace Ross

TOP Update

As a result of the prior June 1-3 Midpoint of the Galactic Underworld, the TOP Website, TOP File, TOP Emission Sound File and Kaballah Rosary have all been updated. Please review all the new updates at: TOP Website http://beam.to/yahweh TOP File http://beam.to/yahweh/download TOP Emission Sound File - LORdTAO.mp3 http://beam.to/yahweh/download Kaballah Rosary http://beam.to/yahweh/rosary.html Henceforth, the TOP Newsletter will be replaced with this "Log Book for the Tora Or Project" BLOG. Review the Log Book regularly for new updates and log journals. Peace Ross